brownish discharge with odor while pregnant

I have this brownish discharge that smell, i am 34 weeks pregnant.
The brownish discharge in your cervical mucus could be the old blood that .. So i went and bought a pregnancy test and while i was taking it i.
Types of Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy.
The color, odor and quantity of the discharge determine whether it is normal or. Brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy may occur in the early weeks as the.
Dark brown discharge during pregnancy? - Yahoo! Answers.
The brownish discharge in your cervical mucus could be the old blood that .. So i went and bought a pregnancy test and while i was taking it i.
Aug 20, 2012. WebMD explains vaginal discharge -- when it's normal and when it's not.. The smell may be different if you are pregnant or you haven't been diligent. Bloody or brown, Irregular menstrual cycles, or less often, cervical or.
This mucus discharge during pregnancy is generally odorless and may have a whitish tinge. In some women, the discharge is milky white in color with a mild odor.. Brownish or reddish blood could also be pinpointing to a miscarriage in.
Jun 26, 2010. However, a thick yellow discharge during pregnancy that usually has a foul odor could be the symptom of a disease or an infection and could.
I have a brown discharge coming out my vagina and it smells really bad this has never happened to me someone please help.
brown smelly vaginal discharge. i am 23 yrs of age married and trying to be pregnant for our 2nd child,im off for pill almost 4months ago and.
Pregnancy Forum - Vaginal Discharge - I am pregnant.
Am I Pregnant Forum - brown smelly vaginal discharge - eHealth Forum.
One of the greatest problems about light brown discharges is the fact they are usually left. Not all women have such discharges at the early stages of pregnancy.. If the discharge has odor and is accompanied by pain, irritation, itching and. During vaginal atrophy blood vessels become comparatively weak and they are.
Oct 28, 2009. White milky vaginal discharge is occasionally the first pregnancy sign and symptom. It is typically odorless or has only a mild odor.. But did you also know that vaginal discharge could likely be a sign of early pregnancy? The pinkish brown color is a little bit of blood that could be left over from your.
What causes brown spotting and a strong odor when you are ten.